CLSM of static biofilm. UAMS-1 and KB1050 (cidA mutant) were grown as static biofilm as described in Materials and Methods. Where indicated, 28 units of DNase I was added to each well at the time of inoculation. After 24-h growth, the biofilms were washed and stained with SYTO 9, and z-stacks of each were acquired by CLSM with a Plan-Neofluar ×40/1.3 oil objective lens. Orthogonal views of z-stacks of control UAMS-1 and KB1050 biofilm (A and B, respectively) and DNase-treated UAMS-1 and KB1050 biofilm (C and D, respectively) are shown at ×400 magnification and represent 12 fields of view acquired in two independent experiments. Arrows indicate the top of the biofilm.