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. 2007 Feb 5;4(2):165–179. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nel109

Table 3.

Summary of findings for studies on massage therapy (MT) for neck and shoulder pain and carpal tunnel syndrome

Study and type of pain n Pain duration Comparison conditions Outcomes Findings (Mean reduction in pain)
Irnich et al. (2001) (28) VAS pain intensity (0–100) AC (17.3) > MT (3.1); AC = SLA (11.4)
Neck pain 177 21.5–22.6% > 5 years Acupuncture (AC); 3 month F/U AC (15.0) = MT (8.1); AC = SLA (11.2)
Sham laser Range of Motion (ROM) AC > MT; AC = SLA
    acupuncture (SLA) 3 month F/U AC = MT; AC = SLA
Pressure pain threshold (algometer) AC = MT; AC = SLA
3 month F/U AC = MT; AC = SLA
Spontaneous pain (7 point scale) AC = MT; AC = SLA
3 month F/U AC > MT; AC = SLA
Motion-related pain (7-point scale) AC > MT; AC > SLA
3 month F/U AC > MT; AC = SLA
Global complaints (7-point scale) AC > MT; AC > SLA
3 month F/U AC > MT; AC = SLA
Health-related quality of life (SF-36) AC = MT; AC = SLA
3 month F/U AC = MT; AC = SLA
Dyson-Hudson et al. (2001) (24)
Shoulder pain 18 Mean range = 13.4–16.2 years AC Wheelchair user's shoulder pain index AC (23.3) = MT (21.7)
Mok and Woo (2004) (25)
Shoulder pain 102 Not stated No treatment control (CON) VAS pain intensity (unspecified scale) MT (14.6) > CON (0.2)
State anxiety (STAI) MT > CON
Heart rate MT > CON
Systolic blood pressure MT > CON
Disastolic blood pressure MT > CON
van den Dolder (2003) (27)
Shoulder pain 29 Mean range = 26–30 weeks CON McGill Pain Questionnaire
VAS pain intensity (0–10) MT (26.6) > CON (0.1)
Present Pain Intensity (PPI) scale MT = CON
Verbal descriptors MT > CON
Functional Disability MT > CON
Field (2004) (32)
Carpal Tunnel 16 Mean = 6.7 years CON VAS pain intensity (0–10) MT (3.2) > CON (.08)
    Syndrome Grip Strength MT > CON
State anxiety (STAI) MT > CON
Profile of Mood States — Depression MT > CON
Physician assessed CTS symptoms MT > CON