Figure 3. Compounds decrease polyQ toxicity in a pqe-1 independent manner in aged animals.
(A) Flow diagram of the aging assay. 30 synchronized pha-1;Htn-Q150 L1s per well were incubated at 25°C in S medium with E. coli at an OD (A595) of 0.5 with varying concentrations of compound to a total volume of 1 ml. On day 7, animals were collected and dye filled using DiD. (B) LiCl increased ASH neuron survival in the pha-1;Htn-Q150 aged animals. ASH neurodegeneration was evaluated by the presence or absence of dye-filled ASH neurons on day 7. 50 neurons were scored for each trial; mean percentage of 3 different trials±SD is shown. p = 0.0033 for 15 mM LiCl.