Figure 1.
Vector construction and homologous recombination in the galectin-3 gene. A: The targeting vector was constructed by replacing the 0.5-kb XbaI-XbaI segment at the intron 4-exon 5 junction with the Neo cassette from the pMC1NeoPLA vector. B: The homologous recombinant galectin-3 gene shown with various DNA segments used as probes. C: Predicted DNA sizes from wild-type and homologous recombinant genes in Southern blotting using HindIII and XbaI and the specific flanking probe 1. D: Southern blot of two homologous recombinant clones after digestion with HindIII (H) and XbaI (X) and detection with probe 1. The upper band in both lanes for clones 4A2 and 9A4 were detected using probe 4, specific for the Neo gene (data not shown). The profile for the wild-type parental ES cell D3 is also shown.