Figure 6.
Interactions between the STAT3 and NFκB pathways. U-STAT3, induced to a high level due to activation of the STAT3 gene in response to ligands such as IL-6, competes with IκB for p65/p50. The U-STAT3:U-NFκB complex activates the RANTES promoter plus a subset of other promoters that have κB elements. U-STAT3 also drives the expression of some genes that do not have κB elements, by an unknown mechanism (not shown). The κB element of the IL6 gene is driven by canonical NFκB signaling in response to ligands such as TNF-α or IL-1, setting up the positive feedback loop that is driven by the activation of STAT3 in response to secreted IL-6, leading to an increased level of U-STAT3 that sustains the activation of genes such as RANTES. (Imp-α3) Importin-α3.