Global distribution of NPP (t C per
ha−1⋅yr−1), vegetation biomass (kg C per
m−2), and soil carbon concentrations (kg C per
m−2) in the late Carboniferous for the atmospheric
composition represented by the control case (21% O2,
0.03% CO2; a, d, and
g, respectively), and the modeled effects of the
Permo-Carboniferous pO2 increase at two
different pCO2 levels, given as the
difference between case 2 (35% O2, 0.03% CO2)
and the control (b, e, and
h) and between case 4 (35% O2, 0.06%
CO2) and the control (c, f,
and i). Note that maps b,
c, and h as well as c,
f, and i are difference maps and are
plotted on different scales. Each individual map shows the three major
landmasses of the land-sea mask used in the climate and vegetation
modeling. These were Gondwana, dominating the Southern hemisphere;
Eurasia, the largest Northern hemisphere landmass; and adjacent to this
landmass, Kazakhstan.