Fig. 2.
Impaired mammary gland development in mice lacking the PR-B isoform. (A) Neonatal growth curves of offspring from WT and PRBKO–/– mothers (n = 20). Error bars indicate SEM. (B–D) Whole-mount (C) and histological (D) analysis by hematoxylin/eosin staining of no. 4 abdominal glands of 6-week-old virgin (6 wv), 7.5 and 12.5 days pregnant (7.5 dp and 12.5 dp), and day 1 lactating (L1) WT and PRBKO–/– mice and PRKO+/– mice at L1 (B). (Scale bars: C, 500 μm; D, 100 μm.)