Figure 3.
Detection of Cpn0146, 0147, 0284 and 0285 in cells infected with different species of chlamydial organisms and identification of hydropathy regions in these 4 Cpn proteins. HeLa cells infected with various chlamydial strains/serovars representing different chlamydial species as listed on top of the figure were processed for immunostainings with four mouse polyclonal antibodies as listed along the left side of the figure. The mouse antibody bindings were visualized with a Cy3-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (red) while the chlamydial inclusions were visualized by a rabbit anti-CT395 antiserum plus a Cy2-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (green) and DNA by Hoechst (blue). Note that the strains Mul and 2043 are recent clinical isolates of C. pneumoniae and all four mouse antisera only detected strong signals in cells infected with the organisms of C. pneumoniae species but not other chlamydial species.