IPC formation by mutant SOD. (A) Effect of proteasome
inhibition on electrophoretic mobility and detergent solubility of SOD.
HEK cells transiently expressing wild-type SOD (lanes 1–4 and 9–12),
G85R (lanes 5–8), or G93A (lanes 13–16) mutant SOD were treated
overnight with proteasome inhibitor (ALLN, 10 μg/ml), lysed, and
separated into nonionic detergent soluble (s) and insoluble (i)
fractions and analyzed on immunoblots probed with a mAb to the HA
epitope tag. Mobility of molecular weight markers in kDa is indicated
at Left. Asterisks denote positions of high molecular
SOD at ×2 and ×3 the apparent molecular weight of monomeric SOD.
(B) Decreased stability of mutant SOD. HEK cells
transiently expressing wild-type (○ and □) or
G85R (● and ■) SOD were pulse-labeled
with [35S]Cys for 45 min and chased for the times
indicated in the presence (□ and ■) or absence
(○ and ●) of the proteasome inhibitor
lactacystin (5 μM). Data are mean ± SEM from 4–6 independent
experiments. Similar data were obtained for the G93A mutant.