Immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemical detection of BrdUrd at 28
(A, B, C, and
G) and 44 (D, E,
F, and H) h posthepatectomy.
(A and D) F344 rat. (B and
E) nu/nu mouse.
(C and F) MUP-uPA mouse repopulated with
donor F344 rat hepatocytes. (G and H)
MUP-uPA mouse repopulated with donor hPAP mouse hepatocytes. In
C and F, arrowheads point to the edges of
donor rat parenchyma, stained with mAb 106 to identify rat bile
canilicular antigen (*, focus of endogenous mouse
cells; P, portal tract; C, central vein). In G and
H, blue staining indicates donor mouse parenchyma
expressing the hPAP marker transgene. In G, arrowheads
point to BrdUrd-positive hepatocyte nuclei.
(A–G original magnification ×100.)
(I) Immunohistochemical detection of connexin 32 in
chimeric mouse liver. Arrowheads point to cytoplasmic junctions between
mouse and rat hepatocytes that show connexin 32 staining (thin brown
lines). The triangular patch of cells to the left of the vessel with
slightly darker staining is composed of rat hepatocytes. Original
magnification ×400.