Figure 2. Combined effects of AdNIS-131I therapy with AdCanHSA in transgenic TRP-1 mouse model.
(A) Immunohistological analysis of AdNIS-infected RPE tumor with an anti-NIS polyclonal antibody (original magnification, ×50). (B) Higher-magnification of boxed area in A (original magnification, ×200). Positive cells were located in the RPE tumor and in the retina (arrows). (C) Representative nontumor eye section with location of retina, choroid, sclera, and lens (arrows). (D–H) Histology of the RPE tumor 45 days after birth. Representative transgenic eye section treated with 2 systemic injections of Adx and a single intraorbital injection of Ady, and a single 131I injection of 300 μCi. AdCO1 and AdCO1 (D); AdCO1 and AdNIS (E); AdCanHSA and AdCO1 (F); or AdCanHSA and AdNIS (G and H) (original magnification, ×25). Note that AdCO1-treated tumor cells grew consistently and occupied half of the eyeball when mice were 45 days old (D). In contrast, only a few tumor cells persisted in AdCanHSA-AdNIS–treated eyeball (H). t, tumor. (I–M) Higher-magnification images of areas in black boxes in D–H, respectively (original magnification, ×100). (S) Measurement of tumor areas in the posterior eyeball of each TRP-1 transgenic mouse treated with the appropriate adenoviruses. Results are the mean ± SEM (n = 10). (N–R) Assessment of intratumor vascularization using lectin immunostaining after each treatment described above (original magnification, ×100). AdCO1 and AdCO1 (N); AdCO1 and AdNIS (O); AdCanHSA and AdCO1 (P); AdCanHSA and AdNIS (Q and R) (same as in black boxes in D–H). Original magnification, ×200. (T) Mean number of intratumor vessels for each group ± SEM. *P < 0.05.