Figure 4.
“Kiss and run” in normal synaptic transmission.
(A) Predicted and observed percentage of “kiss and
run” events as a function of hypertonicity. Theoretical function is
where h is the hypertonicity in osmolars, with a
= 2.3 and h0 = 0.65. Experimental
points are derived from those in Fig. 1. Note that p(0)
= 18.3%, which corresponds to the percentage of action
potential-evoked exocytotic events that are “kiss and run.”
(B) Cartoon of three pathways. (1) “Kiss and run,” in
which the fusion pore opens and then closes to return the vesicle to
its docked state intact; (2) rapid endocytosis that requires dynamin to
pinch the vesicle membrane off from the surface membrane, but not
clathrin; and (3) the classical endocytic pathway that requires both
dynamin and a clathrin coat that is removed after endocytosis.