Figure 7.
Expression of a bioactive transgene (CD) delivered by NSCs is retained in vivo as assayed by reduction in tumor mass. The size of an intracranial glioblastoma populated with CD-NSCs in an adult nude mouse treated with 5-FC was compared with that of tumor treated with 5-FC but lacking CD-NSCs. These data, standardized against and expressed as a percentage of a control tumor populated with CD-NSCs receiving no treatment, are presented in the histograms in A. These measurements were derived from measuring the surface area of tumors (like those in Figs. 2–5), representative camera lucidas of which are presented in B–D. Note the large areas of a control non-5-FC-treated tumor containing CD-NSCs (B) and a control 5-FC-treated tumor lacking CD-NSCs (C) as compared with the dramatically smaller tumor areas of the 5-FC-treated animal who also received CD-NSCs (D) (≈80% reduction as per the histogram in A; *, P < 0.001), suggesting both activity and specificity of the transgene. The lack of effect of 5-FC on tumor mass when no CD-bearing NSCs were within the tumor (C) was identical to the effect of CD-NSCs in the tumor without the gene being used (B).