(A). The KAP1 binding patterns along Chromosome 19 (and a 200-kb subregion) containing clusters of ZNF genes are shown. Chromosome positions (Mb) are indicated on the x-axis. The black bar indicates transcribed region of ZNF433 and grey bars represent other transcribed regions (ZNF-like transcripts).
(B) PCR analysis of six KAP1 binding sites was performed using a separate biological replicate of KAP1 amplicons. Four KAP1 binding sites are located within the transcribed region of ZNF genes on Chromosome 19 (ZNF554, ZNF426, ZNF333, and ZNF433) and two KAP1 binding sites are located >100kb from TSS of ZNF genes on Chromosome 7 (ZNF479 and ZNF679). An intergenic region of Chromosome 8 was used as a control for absence of KAP1 binding. The enrichment of KAP1 and H3me3K9 is shown in comparison to total chromatin DNA; IgG amplicons were analyzed as a negative control.