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. 2007 May 21;5:55. doi: 10.1186/1477-7819-5-55

Table 2.

Patients treated with recurrent disease after previous curative surgery for gallbladder cancer (n = 8).

Gender/Age [years] TNM Procedure Time until reintervention [months] Problem Palliative procedure Oucome
female,49 TxNxM0 non anatomical liver resection after previous open CHE, no lymph dissection, no exploration of CBD 22 icterus hepaticojejunostomy 40 months later alive
male, 69 T2NxM0 non anatomical liver resection after previous open CHE, no lymph dissection, no exploration of CBD 6 liver metastases seg. VII, tumour recurrence seg. IV/V bisegmentectomy seg. IVb/V, cryotherapy seg. VII died 4 months later
female,69 T2N1M0 non anatomical liver resection Seg. IVb after previous laparoscopic CHE, radical lymph dissection, excision of port sites and tumour free resection margins CBD 12 icterus seg. III-bypass, gastroenterostomy died 3 months later
male, 72 T2NxM0 T2 GBC after open CHE, no completion operation 23 tumour between hepaticoduodenal lig. and pancreas exploration died 6 months later
female, 68 T3N1M0 anatomical liver resection Seg. IVb/V after open CHE, lymph dissection, no tumour free resection margin CBD 3 gastric stenosis, liver abscess interventional abscess drainage, implantation venous port system died 1 month later
male, 64 T3NxM0 anatomical liver resection Seg. IVb/V after open CHE, no lymph dissection, tumour free resection margin CBD 1 duodenal stenosis gastroenterostomy died 1 month later
female, 60 T3NxM0 bisegmentectomy seg. IVb/V en bloc with CHE, no lymph dissection tumour free resection margin of CBD, 11 skin metastasis resection died 13 months later
male, 74 T4NxM0 non-anatomical wedge resection of seg. IVb during CHE, no lymph dissection, no tumour free resection margin of CBD 2 tumour progress with liver infiltration cryotherapy lost for follow up

Abbreviations: CHE = cholecystectomy, CBD = common bile duct, seg. = Couinaud liver segment