Figure 2.
* Muscle involvement in the lower limbs in CCD secondary to dominant RYR1 mutations: T1-weighted MR imaging, transverse sections of the proximal thigh (A-C) and the proximal lower leg (D-F) in an eleven (A) and a thirteen year old boy (B,E), and a twelve (C,F) and seventeen year old girl (D). In the thigh (A-C), there is marked increase in abnormal signal within vasti, sartorius and adductor magnus with relative sparing of rectus femoris, adductor longus, gracilis and semitendinosus. In the lower leg, there is increase in abnormal signal in soleus (D-F), and – in more severe cases (E-F) – peroneal group and gastrocnemius medialis. Tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius lateralis are relatively spared. (VL = vastus lateralis, VI = vastus intermedius, VM = vastus medialis, RF = rectus femoris, AL = adductor longus, AM = adductor magnus, S = sartorius, G = gracilis, St = semitendinosus). * Reprinted from Neuromuscul Disord 2004, 14: Jungbluth H, Davis MR, Muller C, Counsell S, Allsop J, Chattopadhyay A, Messina S, Mercuri E, Laing NG, Sewry CA, Bydder G, Muntoni F. Magnetic resonance imaging of muscle in congenital myopathies associated with RYR1 mutations. Pages: 785–790. Copyright Owner Elsevier, Copyright (2004), with permission from Elsevier".