Expression response profiles of select Hsp20 genes under wounding and heat stress treatments. Expression response profiles of nine selected Hsp20 proteins under wounding (solid line) and heat (dotted line) treatments are shown. Subplots display response profiles associated with (A) 17.6A-CI, (B) 17.4-CI, (C) 17.6C-CI, (D) 17.6-CII, (E) 17.7-CII, (F) 25.4-P, (G) 23.6-M, (H) 15.7-CI(r), and (I) 26.5-P(r). The horizontal axis corresponds to time points at which gene expression measurements were obtained, while the vertical axis indicates the log2 fold-change. The dotted horizontal line in each plot indicates a log2 fold-change of zero (no expression response to stress). For the heat stress treatment, roots were exposed to heat until the 3 hr. time point, such that the 3–24 hr time interval represents a recovery period.