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. 2000 Dec 5;97(26):14097–14102. doi: 10.1073/pnas.260376797

Table 1.

Crystallographic data

Data collection and phasing statistics
Data set λ1 λ2 (edge) λ3 (peak) λ4 Native
Anomalous statistics Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Wavelength, Å 0.9879 0.9793 0.9788 0.9668 1.000
Resolution range, Å 20.0–1.8 20.0–1.8 20.0–1.8 20.0–1.8 20.0–1.2
Completeness (final shell)* 97.4 (94.3) 97.3 (94.7) 97.3 (94.7) 97.4 (94.4) 93.6 (76.1)
Total no. of reflections 147 797 146 841 147 191 147 914 137 483
Unique no. of reflections* 41 624 41 511 41 541 41 612 68 270
Rsym (final shell), % 2.8 (8.7) 2.8 (7.2) 2.8 (7.7) 2.8 (8.2) 4.7 (27.4)
I/σ(I) 30.1 (12.9) 32.9 (16.4) 32.4 (16.3) 30.4 (15.7) 14.0 (2.6)
Phasing power, disp./anom. 1.7/2.3 1.6/4.1 1.1/4.8 /3.5
RCullis, disp./anom. 0.66/0.58 0.64/0.39 0.74/0.34 /0.43
f′ obs/f" obs −4.3/0.6 −6.7/3.9 −5.3/3.9 −3.8/2.5
Refinement statistics (based on all data, 1684 protein atoms and 193 solvent atoms)
B factors Resolution range, Å R, % Rfree, % rms deviation
Bave Main/side/protein/solvent, Å
Bonds, Å Angles
Isotropic 20.0–1.2 21.8 23.0 0.013 1.6° 11.0/13.7/12.3/21.5
Anisotropic 10.0–1.2 15.8 19.1 0.012 0.031 Å 13.3/18.0/15.6/28.0

A Friedel pair is considered as two unique reflections for the anomalously processed data sets but as a single unique reflection for the nonanomalously processed data set. 

40,865 structure factors were phased with a figure of merit of 0.79.