Figure 9.
In vitro cytokine production by LP T cells or by LP adherent macrophages from mice with established TNBS colitis (day 12 after induction). Mice were treated with intranasal administration of pCMV-TGF-β1 or pCI control plasmid and intraperitoneal administration of anti–IL-10 mAbs or rat control IgM on day 7. LPMCs were isolated from pooled colon cell population (n ≧ 6), then separated into LP T cells and macrophages. LP T cells were stimulated with anti-CD3ε/anti-CD28 mAb for TGF-β1, IFN-γ, and IL-10 production, and LP macrophages were stimulated with SAC and IFN-γ for IL-12 production. All four cytokines in the supernatant were determined by ELISA in duplicate wells, and SD was within 5%. One experiment representative of three is shown; these data are obtained from the same experiment shown in Fig. 7.