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. 2006 Aug 10;576(Pt 2):403–416. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2006.115295

Figure 2. Photorelease of cAMP inhibits the slow AHP potassium conductance.

Figure 2

A, a depolarizing step to generate Ca2+ influx (arrowhead) is followed by Ca2+-dependent tail currents. The prominent slow component is the slow AHP current. Individual traces show IsAHP (indicated) preceding (control), 5 s after photorelease of cAMP and 2.5 min after release of cAMP (recovery). B, time course of peak amplitude of IsAHP shown in A. Photorelease of cAMP occurs at the flash (arrow). C, action of photoreleased cAMP on the persistent K+ current; cAMP release inhibits the tonically active outward current, holding potential −60 mV. D, I–V plots generated by a 3 s voltage ramp from −100 to −50 mV. K+ current inhibition (post flash trace) is associated with a decrease in conductance and shift in the zero current potential from −76 to −70 mV. E, time course of the experiment shown in C and D. Outward current develops as dibromo BAPTA diffuses from the pipette into the cell. Current inhibition and recovery follows the release of cAMP (flash).