Figure 6. The coefficient of variation and the gain of the stationary discharge were inversely proportional to the artificial AHP conductance in a motoneurone in which the natural AHP was strongly depressed.
A, I–f curves in the control case (•), when = 0.1 μS (□) and = 0.7 μS (▴). The decay time constant of the artificial AHP was 23 ms. Each data point shows the mean stationary discharge for a given current intensity. The half error bars indicate the standard deviation. The oblique lines are the best linear fits to the I–f curves. B, coefficient of variation (•, measured for a 20 nA current intensity) and stationary gain (□) plotted against the artificial conductance . C, inverse of the gain plotted against the artificial conductance . The oblique line is the best linear fit. D, inverse of the coefficient of variation plotted against the artificial AHP conductance for the three current intensities investigated (▴: 17 nA; •: 20 nA; ○: 23 nA). The lines are the best linear fits for I = 17 nA (dotted), 20 nA (continuous), 23 nA (dashed). Same motoneurone as in Fig. 5.