A, a summary of different experimental conditions on PP2B activity. B, representative immunoblots and corresponding densitometric analysis showing STEP phosphorylation after stress plus home cage (HC), novel cage (NC) and familiar cage (FC). C, representative immunoblots and corresponding densitometric analysis showing STEP phosphorylation in rats after stress plus HC (S-HC), NC (S-NC), NC-atropine (S-NC-Atr), HC-carbachol (S-HC-CCH), NC-d-APV (S-NC-APV), NC-cyclosporin A (S-NC-Cyc), NC-cypermethrin (S-NC-Cyp), NC-okadaic acid (S-NC-Oka), NC-propanolol (S-NC-Pro) and NC-prazosin (S-NC-Pra). D, a summary of different experimental conditions on STEP activity.