Fig. 3.
STIM1 ER-to-PM signaling is a local process. (A) YFP-STIM1 diffusion in basal and ionomycin-treated cells monitored by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (B) The average YFP-STIM1 intensity ratio of two sites inside and outside of the photobleached region (5 μm apart; n = 8 for each condition). (C) A series of relative Gaussian intensity profiles were fit through images such as those shown in A, and the increase in the square of the Gaussian peak radius (a2) was tracked over time to derive an apparent diffusion coefficient. (D) The average diffusion coefficients of YFP-STIM1 before and after Ca2+ store depletion (n = 5 for each condition; SEs are shown).