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. 2007 May 11;7:74. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-7-74

Table 1.

Pigment synthesis genes in human and teleost fish

gene human zebrafish medaka stickleback Takifugu Tetraodon other teleosts
tyr# chr 11 LG 15 (sdy) LG 13 (i-b/-1/-4/-6) chr I scaf 172 scaf 12050 Omy, Oni and other cichlids
- chr 14 chr VII scaf 176 chr 7 Eha, Gpe, Ipu, Omy, Oni
tyrp1# chr 9 LG 7* LG 18 chr VII scaf 2235 scaf 14681 Cau, Omy, Oni, Ppr, Ssa
LG 1 chr 1 chr IX - scaf 13631ψ Man, Ppr
dct chr 13 LG 9 chr 21 chr XVI scaf 103 chr 2 Cau, Ipu, Omy, Ssa
silv# chr 12 LG 11 (fdv) chr 5 scaf 27 scaf 47 chr 11 Hsp, Omy, Ppr
chr 23 chr 7 chr XII scaf 304 chr 9 Abu, Omy, Ssa
oca2 chr 15 chr 6 LG 4 (i-3) chr VIII scaf 13 chr 1 Ame
aim1 chr 5 LG 21 LG 12 (b) chr XIV scaf 44 chr 4 Omy, several cichlids
slc24a5 chr 15 LG 18 (gol) chr 3 chr II scaf 1 chr 5 Ppr

gchIa chr 14 LG 17* scaf445 chr II scaf 1 scaf 15099 Hhi, Omy, Ppr
gchIb - LG 12* chr 19 chr V scaf 952 scaf 7971 Fhe
gchIc - - - chr VIII scaf 208 chr 1 Sau
gchfr chr 15 chr 17 chr 22 chr XV scaf 23 chr 10 Fhe, Omy, Ssa
pts chr 11 chr 12 chr 19 chr V scaf 3 scaf 14338 Omy, Pfl, Ppr, Pre, Ssa
spr# chr 2 chr 5 chr 10 chr XIV scaf 106 scaf 21575 Ipu, Omy, Pfl, Pol, Ppr, Ssa
chr 8 - chr XIII scaf 11 - -
xdh chr 2 LG 22 chr 2 chr I scaf 57 chr 3 Fhe, Sch, Ssa
clot (txnl5) chr 17 chr 15 chr 13 chr I scaf 271 chr 16 Cca, Ipu, Omy, Ppr, Ssa
pcbd1 chr 10 chr 13 chr 14 chr VI scaf 53, scaf 178ψ chr 17 Fhe, Hhi, Ipu, Omy, Pfl
pcbd2 chr 5 chr 21 chr 15 scaf 324 scaf 71 chr 7 Man, Omy, Ppr, Ssa
dhpr# chr 4 chr 14 chr 10 chr IV scaf 70 chr 20 Cca, Omy, Ppr, Psa, Ssa, Hsp
chr1 - - - - Omy, Ppr, Ssa
pam chr 13 LG 9 (esr) chr 21 chr XVI scaf 31 chr 2 Abu, Hhi, Omy, Ppr

Genomic locations are given as linkage groups (LG) if genes have been mapped or as chromosomes (chr) or scaffolds (scaf) as obtained from Ensembl genome assemblies [77]. Three zebrafish genes have been mapped with radiation hybrid panel in the present study (*). Names of mutants from zebrafish and medaka are given in brackets. ψ indicates pseudogenes. # indicates duplications based on the fish-specific genome duplication, lineage-specific duplications are underlined. Scientific names of other teleosts are abbreviated as follows: Abu: Astatotilapia burtoni (haplochromine cichlid); Ame: Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican tetra); Cau: Carassius auratus (goldfish); Cca: Cyprinus carpio (common carp); Eha: Elops hawaiensis (Hawaiian ladyfish); Fhe: Fundulus heteroclitus (killifish); Gpe: Gnathonemus petersii (elephantnose fish); Hsp: Haplochromis spec. (haplochromine cichlid); Hhi: Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut); Ipu: Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish); Man: Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (oriental weatherfish); Omy: Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout); Oni: Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia); Pfl: Platichthys flesus (European flounder); Pol: Paralichthys olivaceus (bastard halibut); Ppr: Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow); Pre: Poecilia reticulata (guppy); Psa: Pomatomus saltatrix (bluefish); Sau: Sparus aurata (gilthead seabream); Sch: Siniperca chuatsi (Chinese perch); Ssa: Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon).