No DA neuron loss in the SN in aged DJ-1 -/- mice. (A and B) The lack of the expression of DJ-1 protein in the SN in DJ-1-/- mice is indicated by the presence of DJ-1 immunoreactivity in the SN of wild-type controls and the absence of DJ-1 immunoreactivity in DJ-1-/- mice. (C-F) Normal morphology of DA neurons in aged DJ-1-/- mice is indicated by similar TH staining in the SN of DJ-1-/- mice and wild-type controls at the age of 24–27 months. Panels (E, F) indicate enlarged view of panels (C, D), respectively.(G-J) Similar GFAP staining in the SN of DJ-1-/- mice and wild-type controls suggesting that there is no inflammatory or neurodegenerative changes in the SN of DJ-1-/- mice. Panels (I, J) indicate enlarged view of panels (G, H), respectively. Scale bars; A-J, 0.1 mm.(K) Similar numbers of TH-positive neurons are present in the SN of DJ-1-/- and wild-type mice at the age of 24–27 months (+/+: 10140 ± 812, -/-: 9960 ± 972, n = 4 per genotype, p > 0.05). All data are expressed as mean ± SEM.