(A) The current functionality of DART is displayed. At the top level, one can access all the sets of ARs (either TARs or BARs) that are in the database. Upon selecting a collection of these sets, one can either transfer sets to the ARC tool or inspect each set individually. At the individual set level, ARs can be viewed either at a complete set level, chromosomal level, or a more local level. Individual ARs can be viewed with all their associated attributes. For an individual AR, DART also displays how it overlaps all other ARs in the database. Additionally, at multiple levels these sets can be visualized via the UCSC Genome Browser. (B) ARC Home accepts data sets from DART and from uploaded text files. Submission of the ARC Home form leads to the ARC Results page, which displays summary statistics for uploaded and newly generated data sets. From the ARC Results page, data sets may be downloaded, annotated in the ARC Annotations page, or visualized in the UCSC Display page. The Annotations page formats its processed data sets for presentation in HTML tables, for download as text files, and for export to the ARC Display page. Data sets sent to the UCSC Display page are loaded in the UCSC Genome Browser as custom tracks. From the UCSC Display page, one can return to the ARC Results page to repeat these analyses for other data sets.