Figure 8. Mutation in the flgE Gene Reduces the Ability of P. aeruginosa to Synthesize LPS Both in the Presence and in the Absence of SP-A.
(A–B) The flgE mutant has reduced ability to synthesize the inner core (A) and B-band-O-antigen (B) of LPS. The induction of LPS biosynthesis was measured using a monocloncal antibody against the inner core sugars and B-band O-antigen of LPS. The fold of increase was quantified against controls using a densitometer. (C) Flagellar mutants are more susceptible to cell lysis by SDS. Wild-type PA01 and the complemented PAOC-fliC strains are more resistant to 0.25% SDS than the flagellum-deficient mutants flgE, fliC and fliD. Experiments were repeated five times with similar results. The results from one typical experiment are shown.