In vitro binding of GST–cav-1 fusion proteins to iNOS.
Cytosolic fractions (200 μg of protein) of cytokine-induced HT29
cells were precleared with GST-agarose beads, and incubated with
immobilized GST or GST–cav-1 fusion proteins. After washing, bound
proteins were eluted in Laemmli buffer and analyzed by Western
blotting. Bound iNOS was detected in eluates from GST–caveolin
(), and GST–caveolin () beads, but not from beads with
immobilized GST, GST–caveolin (1–31), or GST–caveolin (). As a
control, GST–cav-1 fusion proteins were visualized by a cav-1-specific
antibody revealing that similar amounts of each fusion protein were
immobilized in each case. Cav-1 fusion proteins of the expected size
are indicated with arrows.