Figure 1.
Expression and co-expression patterns of p53 and TUNEL during anagen-catagen transition. Back-skin cryostat sections (8-μm thickness) of 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice in defined hair-cycle stages (anagen VI, 12 days after anagen induction by depilation; catagen II-VI, developed spontaneously 17 to 19 days after anagen induction), were processed for the double immunovisualization of p53 (red fluorescence) and TUNEL (green fluorescence). Nuclei are counterstained by TO-PRO-3 (blue fluorescence). A: Anagen VI. Prominent p53 immunoreactivity in the proximal ORS (large arrows) and weak immunostaining in the IRS (large arrowheads), dermal papilla (small arrows), and hair matrix (small arrowheads). B: Catagen II. Increase of p53 immunoreactivity in the proximal ORS (large arrows), IRS (large arrowheads), and in the hair matrix regions closely adjacent to the dermal papilla (small arrowheads), whereas weak immunostaining is seen in the dermal papilla (small arrow). TUNEL-positive nuclei (green fluorescence) are visible in the melanogenic area above the dermal papilla (asterisk). C: Catagen III. p53 immunoreactivity in the proximal ORS (large arrows), IRS (large arrowhead), and connective tissue sheath (small arrows). Co-localization of p53 and TUNEL (green/yellow fluorescence) in the hair matrix (small arrowheads). D: Catagen IV-V. p53 immunoreactivity in the proximal ORS (large arrows), IRS (large arrowhead), and connective tissue sheath (small arrows). Absence of p53 in the dermal papilla (asterisk). TUNEL-positive granules in the hair matrix (small arrowheads). E: Catagen VI. p53 immunoreactivity in the proximal ORS (large arrows) and connective tissue sheath (small arrows). Numerous TUNEL-positive granules in the hair matrix (small arrowheads). F: Catagen VII-VIII. Co-localization of p53 and TUNEL in the ORS (large arrows). p53 immunoreactivity in the arrector pili muscle (small arrow). Absence of p53 in the dermal papilla (asterisk). G: Schematic representation of p53 immunoreactivity in the HF during anagen-catagen transformation. Cell populations with p53 immunoreactivity are depicted as red circles. The different stages of HF anagen-catagen-telogen transition are indicated according to Paus, 2 Paus and Cotsarelis, 5 and Straile and colleagues. 7 The summary schemes were derived from analyzing >50 longitudinally sectioned follicles from the lower back of five C57BL/6 mice harvested per time point. H and I: Positive and negative controls for p53 immunostaining, respectively. Cyclophosphamide-treated C57BL/6 mouse skin and skin samples of p53 null mice were used as positive and negative controls for p53 immunostaining, respectively. In cyclophosphamide-treated HFs (H), prominent p53 immunoreactivity is seen in the dermal papilla (small arrow), hair matrix (large arrow), outer and inner root sheath (large and small arrowheads, respectively). No p53 immunostaining is seen in p53 null HFs (I). Scale bars, 100 μm (A-F). Abbreviations: APM, arrectorpili muscle; CH, club hair; DP, dermal papilla; ES, epithelial strand; HM, hair matrix; HS, hair shaft; IRS and ORS, inner and outer root sheaths; SHG, secondary hair germ; SG, sebaceous gland.