Figure 3.
p53 null HFs show down-regulation of Bax, IGF-BP3, and up-regulation of Bcl-2. Skin sections of wild-type (WT) and p53 knockout (−/−) mice were analyzed at day 18 after hair cycle induction by depilation for immunoreactivity of Bcl-2, Bax, and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 (IGF-BP3). A and B: Bcl-2. Weak immunoreactivity in the hair matrix and dermal papilla of the wild-type HFs (A, arrows and arrowhead, respectively). Up-regulation of Bcl-2 in the dermal papilla (B, arrowheads) and hair matrix (B, arrows) of the p53 null HFs. C and D: Bax. Immunoreactivity in the matrix (C, arrows) of the wild-type HFs (I). Down-regulation of Bax in the hair matrix of p53 null HFs (D, arrows). E and F: IGF-BP3. Proximal outer root sheath (E, arrow), inner root sheath (E, small arrowhead), and hair matrix (E, large arrowhead) of the wild-type HFs show prominent IGF-BP3 immunoreactivity. Down-regulation of IGF-BP3 in the outer root sheath, inner root sheath, and hair matrix of p53 null HF (F, arrow, small and large arrowheads, respectively). Scale bars, 100 μm (A-F).