Figure 3.
A representative 1H NMR spectrum of serum and the spectroscopic characteristics of the Bayesian model kernels. Illustration of the aliphatic spectral region of a representative experimental 1H NMR spectrum (black) together with the main Bayesian model kernels for the VLDL-TG (orange), IDL-C (lime), LDL-C (sherry) and HDL-C (olive). The assignments for the resonances refer to fatty acids in triglycerides, cholesterol compounds and phospholipids in various lipoprotein particles, the cholesterol backbone -C(18)H3 and the -N(CH3)3 groups of surface phospholipids. Thus, it should be noted that all the lipoprotein fractions present in serum contribute to all of these resonances. The insets show the choline -N(CH3)3 region and the lipid (-CH2-)n region in mode detail. The highest intensity kernel for each lipoprotein fraction was scaled to 1.0. The dotted horizontal line shows the zero level.