c-Abl induces tyrosine phosphorylation of γ-PAK. (A)
GST–γ-PAK was phosphorylated by using immunoprecipitates from 293T
cells transfected with c-Abl and analyzed by Western blotting with
antiphosphotyrosine antibody (PY99). (B) HA-γ-PAKwt,
HA-γ-PAK K278R, and c-Abl were transfected into 293T cells,
immunoprecipitated with anti-γ-PAK N19 antibodies or normal rabbit
IgG, and analyzed by Western blotting with a mixture of PY99 and 4G10
(Upper), with anti-HA antibodies
(Middle), or with anti-c-Abl antibodies (8E9,
Lower). The positions of γ-PAK and c-Abl are shown.