Analysis of specific genes up-regulated in SN patients. A, Details about the six genes significantly up-regulated in SN patients compared with non-MG adults and ML patients with an FC >1.8. The complete list of the genes dysregulated in SN compared with ML patients is given in supplemental table S3-D. B, Gene expression ratio of ISG12 for non-MG adult (Ad), ML, MH, or SN patient categories compared with the thymic reference by microarray. C, Analysis by real-time PCR of ISG12 expression in the thymus of individual donors corresponding to baby (BB), Ad, ML, MH, and SN categories. The p values were obtained by the Mann-Whitney U test. D, Expression of genes involved in the antiviral response: AA477235, AF019562, AF029890, AF083033, AI097512, AK024814, AL110236, AL582281, AW083130, AW328025, BC007402, BE857745, BG392389, BG506643, J04739, M30818, NM_021105, NM_033238, and X67325. A dot corresponds to the median of ratios between each thymic category and the thymic reference for each gene. The p values were obtained by the Wilcoxon matched pairs test.