Caspase-3 activity was measured in GT1(+/+) and GT1 (+/−) ES cells in response to 0 and 2 hours hypoxia, n = 3 to 5 in each group. At 0 hours, the GT1(+/−) cells demonstrated a trend for increased caspase-3 activity although the difference was not significant. Two hours of hypoxia significantly increased caspase-3 activity in both cell types (∂, P < 0.001 versus nonhypoxic for each), and the increase was 76% greater (*, P = 0.012) in the GT1(+/−) cells versus GT1(+/+). Staurosporine (2 μmol/L) shown on the right side of the graph was used as a positive control treatment to induce caspase-3 activity in each cell type.