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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Ophthalmol. 2006 Dec 20;143(4):647–655. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2006.11.025

Table 1.

Characteristics of Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Uveitis

  Number of patients 75
  Median age at diagnosis of uveitis, yr (range) 7 (1-36)
  Median age at diagnosis of arthritis, yr (range) 5 (1-16)
   % female 73.3
   % male 26.7
   % white 84.9
   % black 6.9
  Median duration of arthritis prior to presentation, yr (range) 10 (1 month-52)
  Median duration of arthritis prior to diagnosis of uveitis, yr (range) 1 (0-36)
  Median duration of uveitis prior to presentation, yr (range) 6 (1 month-48)
  Bilateral uveitis, % 70.7
  Type of JIA
   % Persistent oligoarticular (n) 81.3 (61)
   % Systemic 1.3 (1)
   % Polyarticular, RF negative 6.7 (5)
   % Polyarticular, RF positive 5.3 (4)
   % Enthesitis-related 4.0 (3)
   % Psoriatic arthritis 1.3 (1)
  Type of uveitis
   % Anterior uveitis 86.7
   % Anterior and intermediate uveitis 13.3
  % ANA positive 69.7
  Median ANA titer (range) 1:160 (1:10 - 1:640)
  Therapies prior to presentation
   Oral corticosteroids, % 35.1
   Methotrexate, % 18.7
   Cyclosporine, % 4.0
   Periocular corticosteroid injection, % 18.7
  Therapies at presentation
   Oral corticosteroids, % 12.0
   Methotrexate, % 16.0
   Cyclosporine, % 2.7
  Visual acuity, %
   Better eye, 20/50 or worse 18.7
   Better eye, 20/200 or worse 12.0
Eye-specific characteristics
  Number of affected eyes 132
 Ocular findings at presentation, %
  Band keratopathy 31.5
  Posterior synechiae 27.5
  Cataract 22.5
  Aphakic 17.0
  Pseudophakic 6.1
  Keratic precipitates 15.4
  Macular edema 3.0
  Epiretinal membrane 3.8
  Optic nerve edema 4.5
  Anterior chamber cell (≥ 0.5+) 44.3
  Anterior chamber flare (≥ 1+) 49.0
  Vitreous cell (≥ 0.5+) 23.2
  Ocular hypertension 15.3
  Hyptony 9.3
 Visual acuity at presentation, affected eyes, %
   20/50 or worse 36.4
   20/200 or worse 23.7
 Surgeries prior to presentation
  Cataract extraction 26.7
  YAG laser capsulotomy 1.3
  Band keratopathy chelation 5.3
  Trabeculectomy 2.6
  Tube shunt placement 0.7
  Laser peripheral iriditomy 1.3
  Vitrectomy 7.3

ANA = antinuclear antibody; JIA = juvenile idiopathic arthritis; yr = years; (n) = number of patients with characteristic; (n/N) = number of eyes with characteristic/number of eyes at risk