Fig. 1.
Schematic of CcO function. (A) Flux diagram of a Lundegårdh–Mitchell loop in which an electric potential across a protonically sealed membrane is created by taking up protons and electrons from opposite sides. (B) Flux diagram of a true proton pump. Jel is the electron flux, Jup is the proton uptake flux from the N side, Jpump is the net proton pumping flux to the P side, and Jprod is the product flux. Flux conservation requires that Jprod = Jel = Jup − Jpump. (C) CcO proton pump. Electron transfer from cytochrome c via CuA and heme a to the binuclear center (heme a3 and CuB) is indicated in red. Light blue arrows indicate proton translocation, including uptake of both chemical and pumped protons from the negatively charged N side and release of pumped protons on the positively charged P side. Blue arrows indicate uptake of dioxygen and release of water. (D) Kinetic scheme of the three-site model. Circles and squares show proton and electron sites, respectively. Arrows indicate proton (light blue) and electron (red) transfer reactions with intrinsic rate coefficients κμν. The blue arrow denotes the irreversible product formation.