Figure 2.—
An enhanced genetic map constructed using a BC1 population obtained from the interspecific cross: G. hirsutum L. acc. TM-1 × G. barbadense L. cv. Hai7124. Chromosomes and linkage groups are arranged by 13 homeologous pairs and their corresponding conventional chromosome numbers as chromosome 1–26 in parentheses. Positions of loci are given in centimorgans (Kosambi 1944). Fragment sizes from Hai7124 allele (in base pair) are given next to the marker name, and the unmarked marker loci fragment sizes indicate unpublished tagged genes. All EST–SSR markers are indicated in boldface type and newly developed EST–SSR markers in this study are in boldface italics. Deviated loci are underlined and the deviated interval in A7 and D7 is boxed. Homeologous loci identified are connected by a bar.