Summary geographic distributions of 12 vertebrate species or
species-groups evaluated in this study; data for G–L
are summarized from the literature (4–9). (A)
Peromyscus eremicus group, including P.
eremicus (horizontal bars), P. eva (dark shading
southern peninsula), P. fraterculus (diagonal bars), and
P. merriami (dark shading western continental).
P. eremicus was considered a single widespread species
before recent phylogeographic analysis (10) that proposed western
populations be designated as separate species, P.
fraterculus. (B) Bailey's pocket mouse group,
including Chaetodipus baileyi (dark shading) and
C. rudinoris (light shading). C. baileyi
was considered a single species before recent phylogeographic analysis
(11) that proposed populations west of Colorado River be designated as
a separate species, C. rudinoris. (C)
Little desert pocket mouse, C. arenarius.
(D) Merriam's, Dipodomys merriami, San
José Island, D. insularis (i), and Margarita
Island, D. margaritae (m) kangaroo rats.
(E) Antelope ground squirrels, including
Ammospermophilus leucurus (light shading), A.
harrisii (dark shading), A. interpres
(horizontal bars), and A. insularis (i).
(F) Red-spotted toads, Bufo punctatus.
(G) Desert woodrats, Neotoma lepida
species-group, including N. devia (outlined) and
N. lepida, with dashed line separating probable ranges
of eastern and western phylogroups (4). (H) Le Conte's
thrasher, Toxostoma lecontei group, considered a single
species before phylogeographic analysis (5) that proposed southern
peninsular populations be designated as a separate species, T.
arenicola (dark shading). (I) Gopher snakes,
Pituophis melanoleucus complex. (J)
Side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana group.
(K) Tree lizards, Urosaurus nigricaudus
group (shaded). (L) Three species of rock lizards (9):
Petrosaurus mearnsi (northernmost solid outline),
P. repens (dashed outline), and P.
thalassinus (southernmost solid outline). (M)
Warm deserts of North America as depicted by Shreve (12): Sonoran,
including peninsular (green), Mojave (yellow), Chihuahuan (red).