GIS analysis of gene activity and topography with the two first forming
cusps, the protoconid (Prd) and the metaconid (Med), labeled.
(A) DEMs showing the formation of cusps and
corresponding epithelial coexpression patterns of Fgf4,
Shh, Lef1, and p21. The
coexpression of all of the four genes (in yellow) marks the core of the
enamel knots, surrounded by areas lacking Fgf4 (in
orange) and Fgf4 + Lef1 expressions (in
red). The cells expressing p21 (approximately the area
in red) are nonmitotic, and down growth of the tooth epithelium happens
outside the p21 gene expression domains. Note how the
lingual secondary enamel knot for the metaconid (Med) cusp forms next
to the primary enamel knot. Anterior side toward the left and buccal
side toward the top. (B) A bar graph showing the nested
coexpression domains of the genes in a longitudinal section through the
primary enamel knot. Note how, within the primary enamel knot, the
secondary enamel knot of the protoconid forms in the anterior end in
mouse and in the posterior end in vole. These shifts in gene expression
patterns result in a parallel cusp configuration of the protoconid and
the metaconid in mouse and in a diagonal cusp configuration in vole.