Retinal light histology of 6-mo-old CAPR chimeric mice.
(A) Preservation of retinal layers and a gliotic
membrane on the inner retina (Magnified ×400.) (B) The
pigment epithelial vacuolization and full preservation of outer
photoreceptors. (Magnified ×600.) (C) The optic
nervehead (ONH) light histology demonstrating hamartomatous-like
changes intraocularly, with a gliotic membrane emanating from the ONH
surface. (Magnified ×200.) (D) A similar ONH finding
but with the presence of an optic pit (*; magnified ×300) in
another CAPR chimeric mouse. GC = ganglion cell layer,
IPL = inner plexiform layer, INL = inner nuclear layer, ONL =
outer nuclear layer, IS = inner segment, OS = outer segment
of photoreceptors, and PE = pigment epithelium.