Map of the human IL10 gene on chromosome 1q31-32
(38–40). Exons, AUG start, untranslated regions, and SNP and STR
polymorphisms are shown along with putative transcriptional
factor-binding sites identified by sequence homology (41) in relation
to negative and positive regulatory elements. (B)
Differential DNA-protein binding between synthesized oligonucleotide
probes specific for IL10-5′A vs. IL10-+.
Synthetic oligonucleotides 25 base pairs around position
IL10-592 were incubated with nuclear extracts of peripheral
blood mononuclear cells from random human donors and tested in an
electrophoretic mobility shift assay for specific DNA-binding
recognition factors (see text). Both allele nucleotides,
IL10-+ and IL10-5′A, resolve the faster-migrating
SP-1 complex, but only IL10-+ specifically binds the
slower-migrating complex (arrow). NS, nonstimulated; Comp, cold
competition with double-stranded oligonucleotides; PMA,
phorbolmyristate acetate; Ion, ionomycin. Comparable results were
obtained in duplicate analyses with three human donors of nuclear