Glucocorticoid-induced thymocyte cell death is absent in
SF-1 +/− mice. FACS analysis of thymocytes from fed
(a) and fasted (b) SF-1
+/+ and +/− mice using CD4-PE and CD8-FITC (n
= 4 mice per group). A FACS analysis from one mouse of each group is
shown with the percentage of CD4+CD8+ cells per
total cells analyzed shown in the upper right corner of each graph.
Data shown for the +/+ fasted mouse reflects the strongest response.
The average number of CD4+CD8+ cells per total
cells analyzed did not differ between fed SF-1 +/+ and
+/− mice (+/+, 68.6 ± 2.0%; +/−, 71.3 ± 1.6%),
but was significantly different between fasted groups (+/+, 33.1
± 3.6%; +/−, 61.6 ± 2.0%; P = 0.013).