Figure 1.—
Moments of allele frequency for a one-locus, two-allele model, with a = 1, d = 0 (s = 2, h = 0). (A) First four moments for q = 0.9 as a function of Ft. Solid lines are for the island model (IM), and dotted lines are for independent lineages diverging from an ancestral large panmictic population (PDM). First to fourth moments from top to bottom. (B) Difference between IM and PDM for the third (solid line) and fourth (dotted line) moments of allele frequency for q = 0.9 as a function of Ft (the first and second moments for the IM and PDM are identical). (C) Expected value of the difference Qt − Ft as a function of Ft for different frequencies of the recessive allele (0.1–0.9 in steps of 0.1 from bottom to top) for the IM (solid lines) and the PDM (dotted lines; same as Figure 1 in Lopez-Fanjul et al. 2007, with h = 0 instead of h = 0.25; Qt and Ft are used for expectations of QST and FST, respectively). (D) For q = 0.9, simulations of the difference QST − FST in an island model made of 10,000 islands for different FST-values. The solid line is for the expectation of the difference QST − FST in an IM.