Reapplication of immunoselective pressure restores the IR phenotype to IR cultures displaying a partial reversion to aCTL resistance. The 13-06-IR29 and 13-06-IR30 clones previously cultured in the absence of immunoselective pressure for 40 and 13 cell doublings, respectively, were thawed and given intermittent aCTL selective pressure for 35 days. After removal of the selective pressure, the susceptibility of the IR clones and parental cells to aCTL lysis was determined at 3 E:T ratios in cytotoxicity assays. Lysis of a partially relevant glioma target, DBTRG-05 MG that displayed only 2 class I HLA alleles in common with 13-06-MG cells was also tested. Asterisks indicate a statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) decrease in aCTL lysis compared with the parental glioma cells as determined by Student’s paired t test.