Effect of RXR ligands on the transcriptional activity VgEcR/RXR
complex. (A) Dose–response for ponA, an RXR ligand, or
ponA plus a constant concentration of RXR ligand (100 nM). Increasing
concentrations of the RXR ligand LG268 had no effect on the VgEcR/RXR
heterodimer. Combination of 100 nM LG268 with increasing amounts of
ponA resulted in considerably greater inductions than when ponA was
used alone. (B) Combined effect of ecdysteroids and RXR
ligands on VgEcR/RXR activation. Cells were treated with 10 μM
murA, ponA, or inokosterone, alone or in combination with one of three
RXR ligands present at 100 nM concentration. (C) LG268
potentiates the inducing properties of nonsteroidal VgEcR agonists.
Cells were treated with 10 μM nonsteroidal ecdysone receptor ligand,
alone or in combination with LG268 at 100 nM concentration. These
mixtures induced higher levels of reporter activity than 10 μM