Figure 3.
Progression of IA according to the risk group, defined by the number of risk factors per patient. Risk factors include (1) more than 20 days of neutropenia after transplantation; (2) advanced underlying disease at transplantation; (3) CMV disease; (4) time interval from start of AFT and transplantation less than 6 weeks; (5) bone marrow or cord blood as the source of stem cells; and (6) grades II to IV aGVHD that required high-dose steroids (prednisone or equivalent at ≥ 2 mg/kg for > 10 days) with or without ATG for treatment. Risk-group categories were low risk, 0 to 1 risk factors; intermediate risk, 2 to 3 risk factors; and high risk, 4 to 6 risk factors. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of patients who had progressive IA/number of patients in this risk group; 2-year cumulative incidence. Tick marks indicate censored patients.