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. 2005 Dec 27;107(8):3359–3370. doi: 10.1182/blood-2005-07-2888

Table 3.

EKLF-dependent genes in the fetal liver

Gene description Common abbreviation Accession no. Ratio, —/— to +/+ EKLF—/— EKLF+/+
Downregulated genes
      Erythrocyte protein band 4.9/dematin Epb4.9* NM_013514 0.0507 372 7 233
      Hect domain and RCC1 (CHC1)-like domain (RLD) 2 rjs AF061529 0.079 95 741
      Talin 1 Tln1 AK006088 0.0864 1 021 11 849
      Cables Cables,ik3-1 AF133208 0.137 571 4 207
      P120-catenin Catns NM_007615 0.224 142 587
      Parvin, gamma Parvg AF312712 0.265 181 671
      Alpha 1 spectrin Spna-1 NM_011465 0.749 5 607 7 401
   Transmembrane/blood group antigens/receptors
      Solute carrier family 2, glucose transporter Slc2a4; Glut4 NM_009204 0.0249 21 696
      Solute carrier family 22; mitochondrial anion exchange Slc22a4 OCTN1 NM_019687 0.0346 33 785
      Lysophosphatidic acid-operated K+ channel; TRAAK Kcnk4 NM_008431 0.0624 108 1 831
      Rhodopsin, olfactory receptor Rhod AL133159 0.0862 281 3 661
      Mus musculus olfactory receptor 65 Olfr65 NM_013617 0.0893 115 639
      Calcium channel, voltage-dep, L type, alpha 1C subunit Cacna1c NM_009781 0.097 110 668
      Neurexophilin 4 Nxph4 AK004130 0.099 189 1 912
      Duffy blood group Dfy* NM_010045 0.108 1 432 13 104
      ICAM 4, LW blood group ICAM-4, Cd242* AF296282 0.219 3 518 16 029
      Roundabout homolog 3 (Drosophila) Robo3 NM_011248 0.28 338.3 1 111
      Erythroblast membrane-associated protein Ermap* NM_013848 0.309 12 719 40 085
      Transferrin receptor Tfrc; CD71* AK011596 0.31 7 367 23 487
      Activin A receptor, type II-like 1 Acvrl1 NM_009612 0.326 1 301 3 480
      Lectin, galactose binding, soluble 1 Lgals1; d-Gal1* NM_008495 0.335 11 570 33 382
      Rhesus blood group CDE Rhced* NM_011270 0.40 9 880 24 273
      Glycophorin A Gypa NM_010369 0.572 14 932 25 518
      CD59a antigen Cd59a NM_007652 0.626 4 744 7 127
      CD47 antigen, Rh-related antigen Cd47 NM_010581 0.647 9 620 14 890
   Transcription factors and other nuclear proteins
      Orphan nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, mem 1 Nr0b1; Dax NM_007430 0.0784 200 1 717
      Retinoic acid receptor, gamma Rarg, RARγ M32071 0.123 160 1 240
      Fanconi anemia, compl group D2 2410150O07Ri AK019136 0.215 467 2 099
      SMC2 structural maintenance of chromosomes 2-like 1 Smc2l1; CAP AK017747 0.27 411 1 500
      Homeo box B3 Hox-2.7 X66177 0.278 586 2 156
      Zinc finger protein 297; Bing 1 Zfp297, Bing1 NM_020625 0.284 1 000 3 516
      CBFA2T1, ETO, MTG8 Cbfa2t1h, Eto NM_009822 0.319 126 381
      Zinc finger protein 1, Y-linked Zfy1 NM_009570 0.329 180 451
      Retinoic acid receptor, alpha Rara, RARα X56570 0.33 434 1 059
      Zinc finger protein 162 Zfp162 NM_011750 0.335 159 446
   Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7 Zbtb7; Pokemon AK018596 0.349 1 662 4 817
      Kruppel-like factor 3 Klf3 NM_008453 0.38 389 910
      Btebp1; Kruppel-like factor 9 Bteb1; Klf9 NM_010638 0.474 250 540
      LIM domain only 2 Lmo2* NM_008505 0.483 4 807 9 776
      GLI-Kruppel family member GLI3 Gli3 NM_008130 0.51 362 690
      Hemogen Hemgn AF269248 0.539 7 947 15 065
      TBP-associated factor 140 TAF140 AJ292189 0.539 818.5 1 359
      RIKEN cDNA 1190001M18 - EST 1190001M18Ri AK004435 0.0594 128 1 522
      RIKEN cDNA 4930518C09 gene 4930518C09Rik AK015822 0.0762 119 836
      Keratin complex 1, acidic, gene 15 Krt1-15 NM_008469 0.0457 149 1 858
      Reelin Reln U72343 0.0458 100 3 690
      Sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan 1 Spock1 NM_009262 0.0503 56 632
      Chaperonin subunit 6b (zeta) Cct6b NM_009839 0.0578 66 505
      IL-3; interleukin-3 IL3 S59969 0.081 268 3 479
      RIKEN cDNA 1700011M02 gene 1700011M02Ri AK005877 0.0831 300 2 917
      Male wolffian duct clone: 6720484C15 6720484C15Rik AK020173 0.0845 419 4 694
      RIKEN cDNA 4933401L05 gene 4933401L05Rik AK016606 0.0918 125 1 587
      RIKEN cDNA 4933421O10 gene 4933421O10Ri AK016866 0.0934 224 2 456
      RIKEN cDNA 3110006O06 gene 3110006O06Ri AK014014 0.0969 207 759
      Tripartite motif-containing 59 Trim59 NM_025863 0.358 289 795
      Synuclein, alpha Snca* NM_009221 0.395 9 863 24 559
   Nonheme enzymes
      Fructosamine 3 kinase FN3K AJ404616 0.0746 346 4 573
      ATPase, AAA domain containing 3A Atad3a AF343079 0.085 347 4 253
      Mitochondrial gst 3 Mgst3* NM_025569 0.12 1 279 10 724
      Pyruvate kinase Pklr NM_013631 0.267 308.9 1 128
      Protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a3 Ptp4a3, Acp5* NM_008975 0.268 3 153 11 465
      Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 Dgat1 NM_010046 0.388 1 339 3 414
      Pyruvate carboxylase Pcx NM_008797 0.436 1 086 2 471
      Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2C Ube2c AK003722 0.461 12 446 26 672
      Cathepsin B Ctsb NM_007798 0.536 752.1 1 419
   Globin and heme synthesis
      Alpha hemoglobin-stabilizing protein AHSP, EDRF* AF060220 0.0426 3 666 78 235
      β-Globin β-major* AF071431 0.199 13 941 72 270
      Benzodiazepine receptor, peripheral Bzrp* NM_009775 0.487 3 691 7 488
      Interferon-stimulated protein Isg20 NM_020583 0.501 1 432 2 890
      Biliverdin reductase B Blvrb BC006617 0.524 15 936 29 989
      Protoporphyrinogen oxidase Ppox NM_008911 0.555 1 644 2 999
      Hydroxymethylbilane synthase Hmbs, PBGD BC003861 0.693 30 672 42 426
      Aminolevulinic acid synthase 2, erythroid ALAS-E M63244 0.711 38 138 53 271
      Similar to Cpo protein Cpox NM_007757 0.752 684
      Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase Urod NM_009478 0.768 22 428 28 536
      Ferrochelatase Fech NM_007998 1.195 20 752 17 629
      Aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 ALAS-H M63245 1.394 846.2 625
      Uroporphyrinogen III synthase Uros NM_009479 1.392 17 625 12 695
Upregulated genes
   Carbonic anhydrase 1 Car1 NM_009799 12.39 24 734 2 155
   BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19-kDa interacting protein 1, NIP3 Bnip3 NM_009760 5.834 9 525 1 678
   Neoplastic progression 3 Npn3; Srx; TX01 Z31362 4.732 3 036 686
   RIKEN cDNA 9630039A02 gene Cntnap2 NM_025771 4.651 1 571 388
   Tnf receptor-associated factor 5 Traf5 NM_011633 4.464 778 367
   Trafficking protein particle complex 2 Trappc2 NM_025432 4.039 880 344
   RIKEN cDNA 3110040M04 gene 3110040M04Ri AK014162 3.973 2 038 577
   Glutathione transferase zeta 1 Tmed8; Gm1184 AK018286 3.909 2 717 690
   Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2E 1, UBC4/5 homolog Ube2e1 NM_009455 3.842 4 706 2 774
   Formin homology 2 domain containing 3 Fhod3 AK020839 3.558 1 508 498
   RIKEN cDNA 1500010M24 gene 1500010M24Ri AK005193 3.532 1 505 468.2
   Interferon, alpha-inducible protein G1p2 NM_015783 3.444 2 849 968.3
   SH3 domain and nuclear localization signals, 1 Samsn1; Hacs1 AF222928 3.44 2 597 757
   Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 Pgk1 NM_008828 3.367 14 878 5 269
   ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 6 St3gal6 NM_018784 3.365 4 880 1 578
   G kinase anchoring protein 1 Gkap1 NM_019832 3.29 803 460
   Tuftelin 1 Tuft1 NM_011656 3.145 3 052 966
   Kruppel-like factor 6 Klf6 AF072403 2.843 736 302
   Retinoblastoma-like 2 Rbl2 NM_011250 2.793 812 346
   Musashi homolog 2 (Drosophila) msi2 AB056103 2.775 1 205 449
   Annexin A6 Anxa6 NM_013472 2.622 575.2 317.8
   Annexin A5 Anxa5 NM_009673 2.62 6 065 2 436
   Phosphoglycerate mutase 1 Pgam1 AF283667 2.46 23 283 9 548

Gene names are in full description and common abbreviations with a GenBank accession number. The ratio is the normalized mean of the relative expression in EKLF–/– versus EKLF+/+ fetal liver RNA (n = 6). The mean absolute intensities of each gene are given.


Genes verified by real-time RT-PCR

Genes that do not have expression fold differences that are enough for listing as possible EKLF targets but are included for comparison and discussion

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure