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. 2007 May 2;104(20):8241–8246. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0702812104

Table 2.

INDCLUS solution for HHI

Blind weights Sighted weights z score of difference P Elements of subset Interpretation
0.492 0.521 −0.68 0.25 Air conditioner, clock, clothes dryer, coffeemaker, dishwasher, fridge, lamp, microwave, radio, stove, television, toaster Appliances
0.321 0.410 −1.35 0.09 Comb, fork, knife, ladle, nail file, razor, scissors, spatula, spoon, tongs, toothbrush, tweezers Implements
0.392 0.364 0.61 0.27 Comb, nail file, razor, scissors, toothbrush, tweezers Personal hygiene items
0.258 0.247 0.36 0.36 Coffeemaker, dishwasher, fork, fridge, knife, ladle, microwave, spatula, spoon, stove, toaster, tongs Kitchen items
0.201 0.245 −0.58 0.28 Clock, lamp, radio, television Living-space items
0.189 0.137 1.74 0.08 Fork, knife, ladle, scissors, spatula, spoon, tongs, tweezers Kitchen/metal implements
0.040 0.020 Additive constants
93.0% 92.8% VAF within group Overall VAF = 92.9%

z score of difference between S and B weights on clusters based on distribution from permutation analysis.