Fig. 4. Stage-specific acid resistant HSPA2-TP1/TP2 complex formation.
A) Acid extracts from pooled fractions containing round spermatids (R) or pooled fractions containing elongating and condensing spermatids (EC), were immunoprecipitated using the anti-HSPA2 antibody. A fraction of input and immunoprecipitated materials was visualized after silver staining of a gel. Expected TP1 and TP2 positions are indicated (arrows).
B) Acid extracts from elongating and condensing spermatids (EC), as shown in A, were immunoprecipitated with equivalent amounts of an irrelevant antibody (Ir, anti-HA) or an anti-HSPA2, The presence of HSPA2, TP1 and TP2 was monitored by a western blot on the immunoprecipitated materials.