(a) Close-up view of the extracellular side of AqpZ showing the Asn182 mutation site. Green sticks and surface dots represent the side chain and the molecular surface of Asn182, respectively. Mutation of this residue to glycine removes the side chain. (b) Channel radius rc, wild-type (red), L170V (green), N182G (blue), and L170V/N182G (cyan), calculated by the average of the eight monomers in the two independent 5-ns simulations. The NPA motifs and ar/R region are indicated in semitransparent yellow and cyan, respectively. The horizontal axis represents the z-axis. (c) Number density of channel waters. (d) The order parameter P1(z) = 〈cosθ〉, where θ is the angle between the dipole moment of water and the z-axis.